Hi, I am

Cameron Wilson

My Big Why

My big why is to build businesses through investing my time, energy, and money.

With coaching, I get to live my big why by helping others grow and build their businesses through investing my time and energy.

How I Got Here


MAPS Coaching


I have focused on helping agents and the admin teams grow so that their businesses grow. I work with a lot of agents who have a "side hustle" or another business as well because the systems and models I use in my coaching are business principles and not just real estate principles.

I love taking a team or agent and helping them get systems to have consistent results and make it seem simple to hit their goals.

I found an ad on a local classifieds site that sounded just like what I wanted to do: grow and run a business. It was for a Director of Operations but the team didn't have much to direct yet. It was a partnership - one sales agent and one agent who was also the brokerage's Team Leader. So it was basically one selling agent and me.


In my first year, we almost doubled sales from 60 transactions to 115 closings. We hired a marketer (that we fired shortly after) and 3 agents. The next year we hired a TC and a slew of agents and started to build the team.


We had ups and downs. At one point we didn't like the culture of the team or that we had a lot of very low-producing agents so we held true to our standards and removed a third of our team because of not hitting standards. But when that happened we only lost 10% of our closings. We increased the next year.

I started to feel like I wasn't learning or growing and my options or limited to keep down my growth path so my coach suggested I look into becoming a coach as well. With it matching so closely to my big why, it just made sense.

I still work with the team but in a more limited capacity.

Director Of Operations

Red Sign Team


Sold Security Systems

Door To Door



My first sales job (unless you count "selling" Jesus during my mission). I sold security systems door to door all summer. I was given a neighborhood to work for a week and a half at a time before moving on. I would door knock, ask to be invited in, and close the sale all within an hour. Their system would be installed that same day.

I sold during the summer months in Champaign/Urbana Illinois. I ended up as runner-up for Rookie of the Year in my area.


During the "off-season" (aka not summer), I helped recruit others to get ready to sell the next summer. My wife hated that I would work 10+ hours a day 6 days a week all summer and travel to another state. So she suggested I find my dream job. So I started applying.


Right after college, I worked for a training and coaching company. We helped customer service representatives for plumbing and HVAC companies learn how to convert leads that called into appointments for the company. My job was to take the education and program and systematize it so the company could scale.

I ended up leaving this company because the owner thought small. He figured the exact amount of people we needed to be training at a time for him to pay everyone their wages and for him to make what he wanted to make. I had bigger plans but he didn't want to grow. I left to go sell door to door.

Operations Manager

Power Selling Pros


Bachelors in Business Management

Utah Valley University


I studied business management with an emphsis in entrepreneurship. My goal was to start and run my own business but I knew that learning would be better than failing so I focused on studies and finding where I could make an impact and income as I looked at running a business.

I started college wanting to be a dentist. SUU has one of the best pre-dental programs in Utah. I was thick in the difficult chemistry classes when I took the 2-year break for my mission. During my mission I decided I loved the business aspects of dentistry, not being a dentist so I switched my major to business management and finished off my associate degree. I wanted to move to a bigger school and area to fulfill my entrepreneurial passions.

Associates Degree

Southern Utah University


Service Mission

Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints


After 1 year of college, I decided to serve a two-year, full-time service mission for my church. I learned Spanish (in 6 weeks) and moved to Concepcion Chile. I lived in 6 different cities throughout my time there. I taught about Christ to both members of my church and non-members. I participated in a lot of service to the people there. I became part of the leadership in the mission and was one of 2 missionaries in charge of all other 200 missionaries in my area.

2023 by Cameron Wilson